Thursday 26 March 2015

Obstacle Course and Tug of war

We had a fantastic time completing the St. Chad's Obstacle Course whilst raising funds for Macmillan. All of the children got stuck in and they were all muddy!

At the end of the obstacle course we used up the rest of our energy in Tug of war. We had lots of fun. Mr. Stott's class beat Mrs George's class and in the last contest it was girls against boys and the girls were stronger!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Dinosaur Egg Shelter

As we have been learning about dinosaurs we decided to make a dinosaur egg shelter just in case the dinosaurs return! The children worked in small groups and used a mallet to knock sticks into the ground as well as practising their knot tying skills.

Monday 16 March 2015

Junk Modelling Dinosaurs

We had lots of fun making dinosaurs from junk modelling. Let's hope they don't come to life!

Thursday 12 March 2015


We have loved using the new P.E equipment which was purchased from the Sports Premium money. In Gymnastics we have been exploring travelling in different ways on the different pieces of apparatus.

Friday 6 March 2015


Before we began our topic on dinosaurs we gathered our initial thoughts.

We read the story 'Tom and the dinosaur egg' and made our own rafts to transport a dinosaur to a far away island.

We created a painting of our very own island for the dinosaurs to live on.